Local GDAL on Webfaction
After getting a Django app to read a .GML (Geography Markup Language) file, I noticed this did not work on Webfaction. After uploading the .GML, Django gave the following error trying to read the datasource:
raise OGRException('Could not open the datasource at "%s"' % ds_input)
Thinking this might be a difference between my local GDAL version and the one on my webhost. I tried:
gdal-config --version
Which gave GDAL 1.5.3 on Webfaction and GDAL 1.10.1 on my computer. I decided to try and install a local version of GDAL on Webfaction.
In my home directory on Webfaction:
$ mkdir src
$ cd scr
$ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/branches/1.10/gdal gdal
$ cd gdal
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 --with-expat=yes
$ make
$ make install
Next I added the location of my local GDAL library to the settings.py of my Django project.
GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/home/user123/lib/libgdal.so'
And restarted Apache.
That fixed it.
- GeoDjango DataSource GPX uploads fail. (Webfaction)
- Installing GDAL for PostGIS 2.0 (Webfaction)
- GeoDjango geos bug (Webfaction)
- GDAL 1.10 ogr2ogr OSM “Unable to open datasource” (Stack Exchange GIS)
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